Thursday 30th September

Hello Class 4, 

Here are your activities for the day:

English - Write the end of your Horrid Henry story. This is the resolution and the ending. How does your character think they have succeeded with their plan? Have they succeeded or not? 

Maths - Start with these arithmetic questions. Look at Day 4. In today's lesson we are looking at negative numbers. Watch this video. Have a look through these slides if you would like to. Then have a go at answering these questions. Here are the answers to mark your work. 

Guided Reading - Log into Reading Plus and do a reading or vocabulary activity. 

RE - We are thinking about '18 things that people believe God does'. Have a look at these kennings and decide whether they link to God the Father, God the Son or God the Holy Spirit. What title would you give the poem? Can you symbolise one or two of God's action in art? 

Art - Design your Egyptian Cartouche. Last week, we had a go at doing an initial design for an Egyptian Cartouche. I would like you to do your final design ready to start making it out of clay next week. 


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