
Showing posts from June, 2021

Wednesday 30th June/Thursday 1st July - Arts Week

Hello to those of you who are at home isolating! Here are a few activities for you to do: - Have a look at the Claude Monet painting series 'Water Lillies' and have a go at recreating one of them using water colours (if you have them at home). - Paint a pebble/rock - Do an Artist Study of a painting by Berther Morisot - Do an Artist Study of a painting by Edgar Degas  - Create a scene with people and photograph it. Create your own impressionist response using paint of your choice.  Enjoy! Please send photographs of any work that you have completed.   

Home Learning Activities - Tuesday 29th June

Hello Class 4, Here are some activities for those of you who are self-isolating.  This week is Arts Week in school, so a lot of these activities are art focused. Please don't worry if you are unable to complete them all or need to adapt them, just do the best you can with the materials you have available.  Art - Activity 1 .  For this session we are going to focus on colour, which was very important to impressionist artists.  Begin by looking at this  PowerPoint presentation   about colour theory.  For your task, I would like you to try to  create your own version of a colour wheel. You could use the  ideas below or this  template . If you don't have any paints available, you could try using colouring pens/pencils or crayons.   Monet believed that colours were only powerful if they were contrasted with their complimentary colour. This means that one colour would be placed next to its opposite colour on the colour wheel.  Extension - if you have time, you could have a go paintin

Home Learning Activities - Monday 28th June

Hello Class 4, Here are some activities for those of you who are self-isolating.  This week is Arts Week in school, so a lot of these activities are art focused. Please don't worry if you are unable to complete them all or need to adapt them, just do the best you can with the materials you have available.  Art - Activity 1 This week we are going to be learning about impressionism. I would like you to start by carrying out some research to find out: W hat is impressionism? ·         The name of some impressionist artists ·         When the style was introduced ·         Where the style was introduced ·         Your opinion of this style of art. Do you like it? Why? Why not? You can present your research any way you choose, you might like to create your own PowerPoint presentation or a poster.  Use can use the following PowerPoint/websites to help you: PowerPoint

Spellings - Week beginning 28th June

Hello Class 4, Here are your spellings for this week: Set 1 - 28.06.21 Set 2 - 28.06.21 The test will be on Friday 2nd July.

Spellings - Week beginning 21st June

Hello Class 4, Here are you spellings for this week: Set 1 - 21.06.21 Set 2 - 21.06.21 The test will be on Friday 25th June.

Home Learning Activities - Tuesday 15th June

Hello Class 4, Here are the activities for those of you who are self-isolating: English Today, I would like you to have a go at writing a diary entry about something you have done recently. This might be a day out, an activity, a day at school or something you did at the weekend. Here is a checklist  you can use for ideas. Before you begin, come up with a plan for your diary entry and think about some exciting vocabulary you could include. Remember to use your neatest handwriting and check your spellings.  Extension - If you have time, you could draw an illustration to go with your diary entry.  Maths Begin by completing these  Fluent in Five  questions. Here are the  answers . Then watch the following video about  line graphs . Once you have finished, try to complete this  worksheet . Here are the  answers . Extension - Have a go at some quick fire maths questions on  Hit the Button . Guided Reading Spend some time reading a book and practising your spellings (please see the separate

Home Learning Activities - Monday 14th June

Hello Class 4, Here are the activities for those of you who are self-isolating: English Have a go at the following reading comprehension about  Wimbledon  - remember to answer in full sentences for the longer questions. The answers are included at the end.  Extension - if you have time, you could research another tournament in sport and then create an information page about it - this could be on the computer or by hand. Please check with an adult before carrying out any research.  Maths   Begin by completing these  Fluent in Five  questions. Here are the  answers . Then try these  Time Challenge Cards  - answer as many of them as you can. The answers are included at the end.  Extension -  Have a go at writing your own time challenges - remember to work out the answers too. Perhaps you could try them out on a family member? Guided Reading Spend around 15-20 minutes reading a book. Spellings Please see the separate blog post for this week's spellings. The test will be on Friday 18th

Spellings - Week beginning 14th June

Hello Class 4, Here are your spellings for this week: Set 1 - 14.06.21 Set 2 - 14.06.21 The test will be on Friday 18th June.

Spellings - Week beginning 7th June

Hello Class 4, Here are your spellings for this week: Set 1 - 07.06.21 Set 2 - 07.06.21 The test will be on Friday 11th June.