Wednesday 23rd March

Good morning Class 4,

Please find below work for today.


Begin with 15 minutes on Times Table Rockstars.

We are moving on with our decimal work this week to look at hundedths. Use the powerpoint or the video to introduce the topic.

Spr4.10.3 - Hundredths on Vimeo

Maths worksheet

Maths powerpoint


Today we are going to be writing our own short recount. The focus of this is going to be on a fear that you have e.g. spiders and when I woke up and found one on my pillow! Remember the key features as detailed in this video and powerpoint.

Recount presentation

recount video - Michael Rosen

Guided Reading

Spend half an hour on Reading Plus.

Languages Day!!

For the remainder of the afternoon we are going to be focusing on Spain and the Spanish language. I will update about activities for this later.


Mrs Tyrrell


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