
Showing posts from March, 2022
 Good morning Year 4, Maths Start the day by warming your brains up by spending some time on Times Table Rockstars.  We will then be continuing our work on decimals. Today we are looking at 'dividing a 1 or 2 digit number by 100'. Start by watching this video or looking through the powerpoint. Video Powerpoint Once you have looked at these complete the following sheet. Worksheet English We are going to be using our own personal experience with ukuleles to help with our work today. I would like you to think about the last 10 weeks of ukulele lesson and write a short personal recount about the lessons. Think about: * What we did/learnt in the lessons (notes, tunes played) * How you found it (easy, hard, fun) Then remember the key features of writing a recount: * Past tense * First person * Emotive language * Chronological order Guided Reading Spend at least half an hour on Reading Plus

Wednesday 23rd March

Good morning Class 4, Please find below work for today. Maths Begin with 15 minutes on Times Table Rockstars. We are moving on with our decimal work this week to look at hundedths. Use the powerpoint or the video to introduce the topic. Spr4.10.3 - Hundredths on Vimeo Maths worksheet Maths powerpoint English Today we are going to be writing our own short recount. The focus of this is going to be on a fear that you have e.g. spiders and when I woke up and found one on my pillow! Remember the key features as detailed in this video and powerpoint. Recount presentation recount video - Michael Rosen Guided Reading Spend half an hour on Reading Plus. Languages Day!! For the remainder of the afternoon we are going to be focusing on Spain and the Spanish language. I will update about activities for this later. Enjoy Mrs Tyrrell