
Showing posts from July, 2020

Thursday 16th July

Good afternoon Class 4, I hope you enjoyed your day today! Here are your activities for  Thursday 16th July ! Miss Greenwood

Wednesday 15th July

Hello Class 4,  I can't believe we're already almost at the end of the year. These last couple of weeks have gone so quickly. As Miss Dimond said, this week is a little different and the tasks are linked to remembering the year you have had and looking forward to next year.  Here are your tasks for  Wednesday 15th July ! Have a good day! Miss Greenwood 

Tuesday 14th July and Goodbye!

Hello Class 4, I am very sad to be writing my last blog to you all. I have had such a fantastic year with you all and I wish you all the best of luck in Class  5! I always say it, but thank you again for being the best first class ever😊 Your task for tomorrow is here:  Tuesday 14th July   Have an amazing summer, I hope to see you all again sometime soon! Continue to work hard and be the fab class you are! Miss Dimond

Monday 13th July

Hello Class 4, I hope you had a lovely weekend. We have made it to the last week of term!! Well done for all of your hard work.  Our activities are a little different this week as we are going to reflect on our time in Class 4 and get ready for Class 5. We are starting with our time in Class 4, it has been a very interesting year for all of us so it would be good to try and capture the memories to look back on in the future. Here are your tasks for Monday:  Monday 13th July I hope you have a great day! Miss Dimond

Virtual Sports Day

Dear Parents, Normally at the end of the year, we would spend a day all together out on the field, taking part in our school Sports Day. We may not be able to do that this year, but it doesn't mean we can't have some Sports Day fun. Instead, this year, we will be having a Virtual Sports Day. There are 5 activities for you to complete to win house points for your house. For all the details, please click  here . The competition starts now! You have until Wednesday 15th July to get your scores in. Please email them to the school's Admin email account, with the subject 'Virtual Sports Day' and your child's name and year. Winners will be announced on Friday 17th July, along with the winning house! Good luck! Mrs Prescott

Summer Reading Challenge

Here is a message from Mrs Bedwell:  It is really important to make sure you keep reading over the summer holidays! Here are details of the 2020 Summer Reading Challenge. /                                Sign up to the Summer Reading Challenge on the website and keep reading!

Friday 10th July

Good afternoon Class 4, We're coming to the end of another week of home learning, with only one week left for the year! I'm so impressed with how you have all coped during this difficult time. Next week's home learning will look a little different as it is the last week of term, so this will be the last day with the Maths and English activities that you have been doing. There is now an Open the Book Playlist where you can find all of the videos that have been recorded by the Open the Book team during this time. You will be able to find the video for today on there.  Here are your activities for  Friday 10th July . Have a good day! Miss Greenwood

Thursday 9th July

Hello Class 4, Please find your activities for  Thursday 9th July . Remember there are also lots of activities on the Well-Being blog that you might want to have a go at too. Have a good day! Miss Greenwood

Wednesday 8th July

Hi Class 4, I hope you've had a good week so far! Here are your activities for  Wednesday 8th July . Enjoy! Miss Greenwood

Tuesday 7th July

Hello Class 4, I hope you have all had a lovely day! Tomorrow, we are going to have a go at designing and making our kites. Here are your tasks:  Tuesday 7th July   Miss Johnson has been posting some well-being activities related to hope on the well-being blog. Make sure you head on over and have a look at the different activities, there are songs, colouring and information about Nelson Mandela.  Also, if you would like to watch another assembly, watch  Assembly 2: Loving our neighbour Have a great day! Miss Dimond

Monday 6th July

Good evening Class 4, I hope you have had a lovely weekend. I am with you on Monday and Tuesday and then Miss Greenwood will be back with you on Wednesday! I thought that we could have a go at making kites for our Wider Curriculum task. Before we make our kites tomorrow, we are looking at their different features. Here are your tasks:  Monday 6th July . Miss Greenwood has also found some lovely assemblies for us to watch.Click on the link  and watch:  Assembly 1: Hope Have a lovely day, Miss Dimond

Friday 3rd July

Hello Class 4, I hope you have a had a good day despite the rain! Tomorrow, you have some PSHE tasks to complete all about managing friendships. Here are your tasks:  Friday 3rd July . Our friends from Open the Book have also shared another story with us called 'A Dreadful Day': . I hope you enjoy the story! Have a great day, Miss Dimond

Thursday 2nd July

Hello Class 4, I hope you have had a lovely week so far with Miss Greenwood, I'm excited to still be here for the last few weeks. I have carried on with the Geography theme this week and we are looking at Earthquakes today! Here are your tasks for tomorrow:   Thursday 2nd July . Also don't forget to take a look at the Well-being blog for some great ideas on mindfulness and well-being. Finally, I have seen that some of you are still practising your times-tables on TTRS which is great! You could practise if you have time before or after your maths activity. Have a great day, Miss Dimond