Home Learning Activities - Tuesday 15th June

Hello Class 4,

Here are the activities for those of you who are self-isolating:


Today, I would like you to have a go at writing a diary entry about something you have done recently. This might be a day out, an activity, a day at school or something you did at the weekend. Here is a checklist you can use for ideas. Before you begin, come up with a plan for your diary entry and think about some exciting vocabulary you could include. Remember to use your neatest handwriting and check your spellings. 

Extension - If you have time, you could draw an illustration to go with your diary entry. 


Begin by completing these Fluent in Five questions. Here are the answers.

Then watch the following video about line graphs. Once you have finished, try to complete this worksheet. Here are the answers.

Extension - Have a go at some quick fire maths questions on Hit the Button.

Guided Reading

Spend some time reading a book and practising your spellings (please see the separate blog post for this week's spellings).


Today, we are going to be thinking about how water changes state. Begin by reading this PowerPoint - as you are reading, make some notes to record the key information. Your task is to create a poster to show what you have found out.

Extension - Please check with an adult first!

If you have some ice available, you could try the investigations at the end of the PowerPoint. 

If you would like to send in any work or photographs from today, please email them to: admin@holyapostles.gloucs.sch.uk.

I hope to see you back in school very soon.

Best wishes,

Mrs Piper


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