Home Learning Activities - Monday 28th June

Hello Class 4,

Here are some activities for those of you who are self-isolating. 

This week is Arts Week in school, so a lot of these activities are art focused. Please don't worry if you are unable to complete them all or need to adapt them, just do the best you can with the materials you have available. 

Art - Activity 1

This week we are going to be learning about impressionism. I would like you to start by carrying out some research to find out:

What is impressionism?

·       The name of some impressionist artists

·       When the style was introduced

·       Where the style was introduced

·       Your opinion of this style of art. Do you like it? Why? Why not?

You can present your research any way you choose, you might like to create your own PowerPoint presentation or a poster. 

Use can use the following PowerPoint/websites to help you:




Art - Activity 2

I would now like you to compare two paintings by different impressionist artists:

Image 1

Image 2

Look closely at each of the paintings and then answer the following questions:

Who do you think the people are?

Where do you think it is?

What colours were used?

What do you think the artist has done well?

Which painting do you prefer? Why?  

Extension - If you have time, have a go at sketching one of the paintings.

Art - Activity 3 (If you have paints available)

For this activity, I would like you have a go at painting in an impressionist style.

Watch the following video and then try it out. 

Guided Reading

Spend around 15-20 minutes reading a book.


Please see the separate blog post for this week's spellings. The test will be on Friday 2nd July. 

Outdoor Classroom

We normally spend some time in the outdoor classroom on Mondays, so if you can, go and enjoy some time outdoors. You might like to do one of the activities we've tried in school, such as making a piece of artwork using natural materials or creating a mini den.


Try to find some time to be active today. You might like to do a Joe Wicks Workout or some Cosmic Kids Yoga.

Extra activities (optional):

If you have time, you could also spend some time practising your maths skills using these websites:

Hit the Button  - You don't need to download the app, you can just click on the buttons to start playing.

Top Marks - Choose a category from the menu at the top and then select a game to play. 

Guardians: Defender of Mathematica - A fun a game for practising a range of maths skills.

Times Tables Rockstars - Great for practising your times tables.

If you would like to send in any work or photographs from today, please email them to: admin@holyapostles.gloucs.sch.uk 

I hope to see you back in school very soon.

Best wishes,

Mrs Piper


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