Home Learning Activities - Tuesday 29th June

Hello Class 4,

Here are some activities for those of you who are self-isolating. 

This week is Arts Week in school, so a lot of these activities are art focused. Please don't worry if you are unable to complete them all or need to adapt them, just do the best you can with the materials you have available. 

Art - Activity 1
For this session we are going to focus on colour, which was very important to impressionist artists. 
Begin by looking at this PowerPoint presentation about colour theory. 

For your task, I would like you to try to create your own version of a colour wheel. You could use the  ideas below or this template. If you don't have any paints available, you could try using colouring pens/pencils or crayons.  

Monet believed that colours were only powerful if they were contrasted with their complimentary colour. This means that one colour would be placed next to its opposite colour on the colour wheel. 

Extension - if you have time, you could have a go painting/colouring two complimentary colours next to each other e.g. red and green. If you're using paint, you could experiment with using large brushstrokes in an impressionist style.

Art - Activity 2

Impressionists were often inspired by natural light and how different colours capture the light at different stages. 

Have a look at the different of the paintings of haystacks by Monet and complete the short task underneath. Then I would like you to have a go at sketching two of these paintings. Think about how you can use shading to show the light and darks areas. 

Guided Reading

Spend around 15-20 minutes reading a book.


Spend some time practising your spellings - see the separate blog post for this week's spellings.  

Art - Activity 3

Look at these images of impressionist paintings that show light reflected in water. How have the artists painted the reflection of the light? What brushstrokes and colours have been used?

Your task is to have a go at recreating one of these paintings using any materials that you have available. 

Extra activities (optional):

If you have time, you could also spend some time practising your maths skills using these websites:

Hit the Button  - You don't need to download the app, you can just click on the buttons to start playing.

Top Marks - Choose a category from the menu at the top and then select a game to play. 

Guardians: Defender of Mathematica - A fun a game for practising a range of maths skills.

Times Tables Rockstars - Great for practising your times tables.

If you would like to send in any work or photographs from today, please email them to: admin@holyapostles.gloucs.sch.uk 

I hope to see you back in school very soon.

Best wishes,

Mrs Piper


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