Class 4's work of the week

Hi Class 4,

I have more excellent work to share with you this week. I had no doubt that Class 4 would all be kind enough to write to Bay Tree Care home but again you have continued to amaze me with your brilliant letters. They will be being sent out early next week and I am sure they will be loved by the residents so thank you. There is still time to send in letters if you would like to and haven't done so already.

Lets see what you have all been up to...

Finn has been baking dough balls to go with his pizza! They look  really delicious! I hope you enjoy your pizza night tomorrow! It's nice to see lots of you helping out at home!


Charlotte has worked incredibly hard on her Anglo-Saxon village and it looks amazing. It took Charlotte a few days to make her model and I have to say I am very very impressed. Well done!

James did a fantastic design of an an Anglo-Saxon village with lots of interesting facts. How interesting that the Anglo-Saxons built houses facing the sun! Great drawing and labels. Well done.

You have all done absolutely fantastic jobs with your settlement designs and models and you should all be really proud of yourselves!

James  has also been making a robot this week using his knowledge of circuits! Wow, I don't think I would know how to make a robot! Great job James.

It's great to see that Charlotte has been enjoying the science experiments this week too. It looks like you and Heather are having lots of fun! I'm looking forward to seeing what you found out. Fantastic job!

It's also great to see Daniel having a go at the experiments. It looks like you found some interesting findings during your investigation! Great job! Well done. I'm glad you've been making the most of the sunshine too!

Ed has come up with a great idea to use real money as counters in his place value charts! A great alternative if you don't have counters at home. Well done for your hard work! 

Izzy has also sent in her amazing Pointillism painting of a Koala bear! I can see how hard you must have worked. I love the amount of detail you have added with a great mixture of colours. Fantastic job Izzy!

As usual Class 4, you are doing an amazing job with your learning at home. You deserve a relaxing weekend! 

Miss Dimond


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