Thursday 7th October

 Good morning Class 4! 

Hope you're all feeling okay today! 

Here are your tasks for the day: 


WALT: Add 3 digit numbers that cross 10 or 100 

Here is the video 

Here is the worksheet 

Here are the answers


WALT: Explore Haiku poems 

Have a look at slides 16 and 17 on this PowerPoint. 

These poems are called Haiku poems. 

Here is an explanation about how Haiku poems are written

You need to think about the number of syllables in each line. Notice in the Pokemon haiku there are 3 lines. The first line has 5 syllables, the second 7 and the last 5. 

It's your turn! 

Write some expanded noun phrases about one of the Pokemon in these sheets. 

Then have a go at turning your expanded noun phrases into a haiku! 

Guided Reading: 

Spend at least 30 minutes using Reading Plus. Try to complete 2 more reading lessons! I can see how well you're doing from school so make sure you keep up the good work!


In art today we are going to be looking at the skills that we need to work with clay. Unfortunately, you may not be able to do this at home so I would like for you to practise your art skills by selecting a drawing to complete from the Draw with Rob webiste: 

Select a video to watch here

If you still have time, there are some Egyptian craft activities that you might like to try.

Here are the instructions 

Here is the model pack 

There is another one here if you prefer. 


WALT: Write a prayer for baptism 

We are looking at when babies get baptised. 

There is some information here about baptism 

Here is a reminder of Jesus' baptism

Your task today is to write a prayer that you think parents might say for babies when they are being baptised. What do you think parents are thankful for? What do you think they might ask God for for their child? 

After you have written your prayers, compare it to the prayers said in church. How close were you? 


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