Friday 8th October

Hello Class 4, 

I hope you've had a good week. 

Here are your activities for today:

English - This week, you have started learning about Haikus. Have a look at these Guess Who Haikus and mark the text with the number of syllables, examples of alliteration and other well-chosen words. Have a think about what or who the Haikus are about. Then choose one of the Haikus and write another pair of 7-syllable lines. Think carefully about the behaviour of the animals, the number of syllables and the words you choose. 

Maths - Start by having a go at Fluent in Five. We are on Day 5. Today we are learning to add two 4-digit numbers with one exchange. Have a look at this video and these slides if you need to. Then complete these questions. Here are the answers

Guided Reading - Spend half an hour reading. Choose a book of your own at home or log into Reading Plus and do a reading activity. 

PE - As with last week, at school we will be practising our Key Steps routine. If you have the space, see if you can have a go at it. If not, try a Joe Wicks workout or Cosmic Yoga. (Check last week's blog to find the routine.) 

Computing - Have a go at extending your Times Table game on Scratch. See if you can create a game for just the 3 times table or just the 4 times table. 'Tinker' with your game and see what you can come up with. 


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