Friday 22nd October

Hello Class 4,

English - Today, I would like you to recap plural and possessive - s. Look through these slides and then have a go at this worksheet.

Maths - Start by spending 15 minutes on Times Tables Rock Stars. Get in touch if you can't remember your username and password! Then, have a go at solving this mystery maths game using some of the maths skills that we have practised this term! 

Reading - Spend half an hour on Reading Plus doing a vocabulary or reading task. 

Traditionally on the last afternoon of the term, we would have our golden time. You have all earned it this half term by working so hard, so enjoy doing an activity of your choice for the rest of the day. You could do some colouring or drawing, or you could sit and watch a film. If you'd like to, you could carry on with your times tables game on Scratch. Get in touch if you need your username and password for this too. 

For your half term homework, I would like you to do an Ancient Egypt project. Please see this sheet for information. 

Enjoy your half term! 

Miss Greenwood


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