Good morning Class 4

Today in maths we are learning about 'rounding to the nearest 1000', watch the video and then complete the worksheet.

Aut4.3.5 - Round to the nearest 1000 on Vimeo

Yesterday in English in school we started planning our own short story based on Horrid Henry, we thought about the setting we had planned and our new character. This was then used to help us complete the planning grid (see powerpoint).

Today we are moving on to the next step which is to write the introduction to our story.

Music today is working on our body percussion, remember the fantastic storm we heard last week? Can you use some of the body percussion elements they used any any new ones you come up with to create a short piece of music.

Science is looking at classification keys in our 'living things and their habitats' topic. Look through the attached powerpoint and complete the sheets attached.

Have a lovely day!

Mrs Tyrrell


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