Home Learning Activities - Tuesday 6th July

Hello Class 4,

Here are some home learning activities for those of you who are self-isolating:


Read through the following PowerPoint about famous British children's authors. We have read the first couple of slides before at school, but today I would like you to read them all. 

Once you have finished, I would like you to complete this Fact File about one the authors. You might like to start by using the information on the slide and then carry out your own research to complete the other sections - please check with an adult first.


Begin by spending 10 minutes practising your times tables. You could do this on TT Rockstars or Hit the Button.

Now watch this video about 2D shapes and complete this worksheet. Here are the answers.


Spend around 15 minutes reading a book.


We are not setting any new spellings this week, but if you have time you could play some games on Spelling Shed using the Stage 4 words. 


Today we are learning about evaporation. Begin by reading this PowerPoint up to slide 9 to find out about the process of evaporation and how to set up an evaporation investigation. 

Then have a go at planning your own evaporation investigation using this worksheet. Please note that you only need to plan the investigation - there is no expectation for you to carry it out.

If you have time, you might like to read more about evaporation and try the quiz on the BBC Bitesize website. 

If you would like to send in any work, please email it to: admin@holyapostles.gloucs.sch.uk.

I hope you have a good day!

Best wishes,

Mrs Piper


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